Dev Dairies: Progression

What the game rollout looks like

Evolving Forest
3 min readFeb 19, 2022

Just here to let you know the steps we will be taking in implementing the game and what you should be seeing coming up.

We’ve been hard at work developing this project in a short timeframe. And you will be seeing our progress pop up from time to time even if we cannot play just yet.

The first iteration is about creating a solid foundation, and from there the future is wide open. Some of you may want to know what this looks like, so I have split it into 4 major categories.

Stag 1: Main Menu

This seems like a simple step but is actually the most important, for this step we are building our blockchain connectivity, linking our market, and will be the first thing people will see when opening the game.

We have refined our concepts down into a design that will be close to what you will see the day you start the game.

Like many of the images we will see, the game itself may look different as we come back to refine. Everything is constantly being improved, refined.

Stage 2: Nursery

Some of us may have spotted the concept render for the Crimson Guard Nursery inside ‘Previews’ on the EF Discord. The different Nurseries are going to be the areas where most of our interaction with our foliaged friends will take place. We will see more updates in future posts as to how they are developing.

Stage 3: Workshop

A yet-to-be-textured machine from the workshop.

To best care for our saplings, we will need to create pots, fertilisers and sometimes even experimental treatments to ensure our plants grow into the best they can be. Remember the more well cared for a plant is, the more resources it can provide so this is where all the crafting shenanigans will happen.

Stage 4: The Grove

Plants grow older, and some grow too big for their pots, when that time comes we can let these friends grow more freely in an environment that they can truly thrive in.

The game will be playable from the completion of stage 3 onwards, letting the game grow as our saplings do. More coming very soon!

- The Evolving Forest Dev Team






Evolving Forest

The towering form of the Ancient One; the alien glow of pscillion shards embedded in her soils; what new life will unfurl from her blessing?